Black Granite

Black Granite Stone has black theme (background) and is regarded as one of the special types of black granite in Middle East. This type of granite possesses high-polishing capability in a way that it is polished as vivid and transparent as a glassy mirror. In its weaker sorts, some white grains can be observed in this type of stone. Its price largely depends on some factors such as design of the stone, thickness, dimensions and the quality of its finishing and processing.

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  • Pavements of the Interior and Exterior Facades of Buildings
  • Walls of the Stairways and Staircases
  • Gravestones
  • Pavements of Administrative and Commercial Complexes
  • Sanitary Facilities


  • Purely black color
  • Integrity
  • High abrasive and compressive strength
  • High resistance against cold and heat
  • High-polishing capability

Physical and Chemical Analysis

Standard Parameters Porosity Water Absorption Compressive Strength Special Weight Abrasive Strength
MIN 0.55 2.61 2.6 2700 0.03
MAX 1.9 2.64 6 3400 1
Black Granite Petty 2.75 4 1480 0.03